Your First Appointment
At your first appointment, your Physiotherapist will take a detailed history by asking questions about your present condition, your past medical history, medication and some general information about your lifestyle, work and hobbies. It is helpful that if you are on any medication that you bring a list of these to this appointment.
A physical examination will then be carried out on the affected area, and maybe other joints or muscles that may be related should the physiotherapist feel this is necessary. During this part of the assessment, it may be necessary for you to remove some items of clothing. It would be helpful if you could bring a pair of shorts and a sleveless/vest top if you prefer.
Following the examination, you will be given a detailed explanation and diagnosis of your condition, and a treatment plan will be discussed and agreed that best suits the patient. Your physiotherapist will usually commence treatment within the first session.
If you feel more comfortable with someone present then please ask a family member or friend to accompany you to an appointment.
It is asked that any person under the age of 16 years old should be accompanied by a consenting adult.
Access your exercise programme online:
Your personalised exercise programme designed specifically by your physiotherapist, will be emailed to you should you require it. This will provide you with written instructions and demonstrative videos that will help you to ensure you are getting the maximal benefits from this.

Follow up appointments
If subsequent follow up appointments are required to help treat your condition, these will be arranged following the initial appointment at a time and date that suits your schedule. These appointments will involve asking brief questions to gain an insight into the progress you have made, but be more centered around treating the patients problem with various techniques as agreed in the treatment plan.
Cancellation Policy
Please be aware that appointments which are cancelled without 24 hours notice, or those appointments that are not attended may be charged for.