At Graham Dawson Physiotherapy, we believe in adopting a holistic approach when treating a patient to address every facet of their recovery.

Manual Therapy
Manual Therapy is a term that encompasses a wide variety of "hands on" techniques, which include soft tissue massage, joint mobilisations, myofascial release and manipulations.
Manipulation is a short, thrust treatment performed at the end of your available range of movement. This approach is often used to break down scar tissue/adhesions, remove a blockage in the joint and to restore full joint movement.

Rehabilitation Programme
Exercise is a key component to in helping the patient to optimise their recovery, reduce the rate of reocurrence of a condition, and giving the patient the tools to be able to self manage their condition.
Through investment in the most effective online exercise software, you will recieve an electronic copy of your programme personally designed to treat your condition, which is includes full written description and video demonstration to facilitate improved compliance and outcomes.

Conventional acupuncture involves the use of single-use, pre-sterilised disposable needles of varying widths, lengths and materials that pierce the skin at the acupuncture points. The physiotherapist will determine the locations of these points on the basis of an assessment of the cause of the imbalance. A number of needles may be used during each treatment, and these are typically left in position for between 20 and 30 minutes before being removed.
Trigger point acupuncture, or dry needling, may also be used to facilitate relaxation in specific muscles, for the treatment of myofascial trigger points.The needle is inserted into the affected muscle, and sometimes manipulated to achieve a reaction from the musclke, until the tissue is felt to relax under the needle, Trigger point needling often produces an effect much more quickly, and therefore, does not require the 20–30-minute treatment time

Education and Advice
A valuable emphasis is placed on explaining the findings of the examination, a diagnosis and ways that there are to be able to help manage their symptoms effectively. By offering this, it allows the patient to gain an insight into their condition with a greater understanding, which will empower them to take control of their rehabilitation.